Sunday, January 5, 2020

Movie Review The Scarlet Letter - 1794 Words

Sequel to The Scarlet Letter Once the recent mutiny came to a close, all the townspeople hoped that their quiet little Puritan town would return to the normality that they held so dearly. Now, of course, they missed their beloved reverend, Arthur Dimmesdale, but many believed that the sacrificing if his life was a fair payment to end the madness. His dramatic demise would never be forgotten in the town and he, even being the sinner that he is, would be gravely missed and hold a special place in their hearts. The main purpose for this was the fact that he showed such great courage in his confession. The great reverend could have just slipped into the hands of God without telling any of the townspeople what he had done. This would have spared him the public humiliation that surfaced in his last few seconds of life. For this reason, most of the settlers in the community saw him as a very courageous man. A sharp contrast to the image they saw of Hester when the knowledge of her crime, the exact same as that of Dimme sdale, spread throughout the community. At first, it seemed as the townspeople’s hope of return to normality would come true, but soon it became apparent that some wounds still lay open in the wake of the recent events. The town doctor, Roger Chillingworth, who many believed was truly evil, has come to be commonly thought ofas not a medical doctor, but a witchdoctor instead. Although, some argued that his methodology was just different from what the Puritans were usedShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Mary Shelley s Frankenstein 1343 Words   |  6 PagesThe following essay is a book review of Frankenstein, which summarizes and evaluates the story. The purpose of this essay is to describe the two important qualities, which are the overview of the plot (including the characters of the book), and the book’s strengths as well as weaknesses. 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